The City of Edna is proud of our school system and our schools. The Edna Independent School District has three new schools that have been built within the lasts five years.
Edna Elementary
"Together ~ We're Better"

400 Apollo Drive
Edna, TX 77957
Phone: 361-782-2953
Fx: 361-781-1028
The new Edna Elementary was built in 2008 and has expansion underway for additional new classrooms due to growing enrollment of 800 students.
Edna Junior High School
"Go Rustlers"

505 W. Gayle St.
Edna, TX 77957
Phone: 361-782-2351
Fx: 361-781-1025
The Edna Junior High was completed in 2010 and is completing its third year of operation with 320 students in attendance
Edna High School
"Believe, Achieve, Succeed"
"Go Cowboys!"

1303 W. Gayle St.
Edna, TX 77957
Phone: 361-782-5255
Fx 361-781-1014
The Edna High School proudly opened it's doors to 450 students in September 2012. The completion of the auditorium and the new domed gym due in May 2013.
Edna High School's Mission Statement
Edna High School is committed to promoting student success through high expectations, parental involvement, and pride that comes form accomplishment.